a little about you(jin)

I’m a UX Designer who loves to design to improve lives. 

I first delved into UX ten years ago, as a student who enjoyed dabbling with the HTML & CSS on Neopets and Xanga. Curious about web design, I joined the first batch of students who took on the new web development track at my high school; hello, Adobe Dreamweaver, Flash and Fireworks! Through that experience, I had the incredible opportunity to intern for Blackboard’s UX team.

Since then, I’ve had exciting opportunities to apply and introduce user-centered design processes to several startups, federal agencies, and classrooms across different industries, from cybersecurity to education technology. Studying Sociology and International Development & Conflict management further strengthened my passion for studying human behavior and designing solutions for social impact.

Today, I am a UX designer at Samsung who works to successfully launch mobile products. Feel free to also read about my previous experience as a Code for Social Good Fellow here!

say hello